Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Walk to the Market and a Stop at the "Palace"

After coming home from the killing fields, I washed my feet.  I think little ants had been biting my toes because they were quite itchy.  I let the cold water drown my swollen feet for a while. 

Around 12, we ate lunch.  New volunteers had just arrived.  A boy from Portugal (haven't quite grasped his name yet) and Katie from Canada.Lunch was super yummy.  We had rice, carrots, ripe tomatoes, onions and beef.  I didn't eat the beef.  I'm just not ready for THAT kind of adventure yet. 

After lunch Katie from Canada, Portugal boy, Alexa from Singapore, Nikki from Australia and I... left for the Central Market.  Wow.  In the lovely 100 degree weather you can imaging the smells that lingered.  Lots of raw meat hanging with flies swarming.  There were different parts of fish everywhere and loads of interesting kabobs. 

We continued through the market and found the Mekong River (or so we thought).  I was excited, I thought we might get to dip our tired feet in...Well, remember that frothy stench-filled water I was telling you about?  Imagine that times a million.  No sir were my creepy long toes touching that water. 

We continued walking and came across what we thought was the Royal Palace.  Turns out it was just a Pagoda (place of worship).  We entered the pagoda and saw a monk.We were very quiet while our bare feet tip toed around.  By 4pm the heat really started getting to me.  Somehow we managed to find our tuk tuk driver and get home.

Now, having just showered, I'm more than ready for a nap.  I'm exhausted, sun-kissed and already sweaty.  I hope dinner is early tonight.  Orientation is tomorrow and I'll finally find out my placement Each day keeps getting more exciting! 


  1. That's really awesome that you are given a few days of downtime before jumping into your assignment. Getting a little used to the culture and your surroundings and such I'm really excited for you! I can't wait to read more about your adventures :)

    1. Yeah, I planned it that way. haha. I figured I was going to be jetlagged and grumpy so I came a few days early. It's only 10 dollars a night to stay here extra days. Pretty reasonable.
