Today was freaking amazing. It was my day off and I definitely spent it the right way. I got a light glow from the sun, drank watermelon cocktails and ate french fries. Doesn't get much better than that. I didn't think I was going to be in a great mood this morning, considering the night I had.
Around 10pm last night, I started hearing scary noises. My dramatic mind immediately thought it was people trying to break in. I laid in my bed, eyes wide and ears open. After an hour of being too scared to look outside, I woke Alexa up. She confirmed that the noises were creepy and we got the nerve to tip toe out of our room. We thought someone was stuck on the roof and banging to get in but neither of us were brave enough to set out on a rescue mission. Instead, we ran downstairs and asked Seri (our volunteer leader) to look for the noise. He searched the house and just as he opened the door to the roof..... A MONSTER ATTACKED HIM AND ATE HIS BRAINS!!!! Okay, not really... we never found out where the noise was coming from. But that's a boring end to the story, so I maintain it was a monster.
Tired from last night's shenanigans, I decided to sleep in. It was too hot though, so I took a long, cold shower.Katie and I weren't leaving for the Villa Lanka pool until 10, so I relaxed and did crossword puzzles until it was time to go.
When we got there, we ordered cocktails and jumped in the pool. The afternoon was spent in the hot, Cambodian sun, listening to our ipods and sipping on drinks. We left in total relaxation. On our way home we stopped at Blue Pumpkin. I got passion fruit sorbet and fresh banana bread.
Now I'm back home and continuing my great day. More crossword puzzles and ice cold water are in store for me. Hopefully no scary monster noises tonight...